Rubicon Photography

Hi, I'm Andrew Bottomley

I named Rubicon Photography after the Rubicon River. The Rubicon rises in the Great Dividing Range and joins the Goulbourn River near Thornton. I spent many happy summer afternoons learning to fly-fish on the Rubicon. I call the area between Buxton, Alexandra and Thornton my backyard. I have been visiting this area regularly for many years.


Over many years I dabbled, became serious, and neglected photography in a slow cycle as life brought other interests and responsibilities. Covid lockdown was the beginning of my current passion and what I believe will be a life-long adventure. My current Olympus MK5 II camera had been in my possession for a number of years. I had neglected it because of a problem. An enthusiastic young man in the Ringwood Camera House shop assured me that the camera was a fine machine. He fixed some settings and I started learning more about the light saving machine.

My aim for Rubicon Photography

I have two main goals for Rubicon Photography; to provide a service to the community at affordable prices and to record images of the special places I visit.

I want to help aspiring groups of all kinds with their publicity. In the past, I performed with small chamber music groups and organised my own groups. It is hard work but artistically rewarding.

I have fished, hiked and camped in the Victorian High Country for nearly fifty years. In this time, I have seen environmental changes and forests stripped bare by logging. My aim is to record the unique beauty of this area with the hope that I can increase awareness that when we lose nature we lose part of ourselves.

The proportion of humans living in high-density urban areas continues to increase. Years ago, I took some young distant relatives camping. They had grown up in a city apartment. They were astonished that we could drink the river water and eat trout from the river. Can people who live urbanised lives understand the value of wilderness or the desolation of a newly logged forest area? Please enjoy the great outdoors with respect and love.

Life and Photography

One of my earliest memories is playing with the ice by the Kiewa River on a chilly Easter morning. I wonder if there are still icy puddles by the Kiewa River? Not long after that, I saw trout and wanted to catch them. Since then, rivers and fishing have been a big part of my life. At school, I had a passion for maths and physics. In my spare time I built model airplanes and radio controlled gliders. Later in life I became a French Horn player then followed an interest in computers into a career in IT. Somehow all of these elements have flowed into a passion for photography. I am lucky not to have caught Covid yet, but Covid was a turning point for my photography. With some help from the enthuiastic staff at Camera House, I resolved some camera setting issues and realised that I needed to learn about my camera and photography if I was to progress from snapshots. Since then I have read book, magazines, watched many YouTube videos and continued to learn.

I wonder about the hectic Western lifestyle. How many people are truly happy? Do they give themselves time to ponder? How many items on the supermarket shelves are necessary? How many items contribute to happiness? Each item comes at a cost to the environment.

Camping at Julian Lakes, Central Plateau, Tasmania

Yarran Dheran Reserve is a five minute walk from where I live.

A typical Victorian High Country track